Saturday, December 15, 2012

No one does it like you

Department of Eagles//Daniel Rossen//perfection
And in the morning
you don't need to have
an alibi


I cannot think of any song more beautiful right now.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Life Aquatic Halloween

For Halloween, I have a Life Aquatic themed costume. I am a Zissou Society member.
 Just like Steve Zissou....
 Trying to do the pose... (I am even wearing my Stevesie necklace!)

And I have authentic tattoos...

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Christopher Owens is unbelievably gorgeous

 This is Christopher Owens, a great musician, and he is also extremely attractive.
So enjoy his face: 


Kevin Parker

This is Kevin Parker from Tame Impala. Kevin is a cool Australian guy in a psychedelic band who grows a nice moustache, doesn't like to wear shoes, and is quite attractive. I like Kevin and Tame Impala.

This is Kevin Parker with a cat. D'aww...
Just felt like sharing this. x

Monday, September 24, 2012

Transcending Reality

"Flowers" by Odilon Redon
Odilon is the source of much inspiration and curiosity for me.
The Birth of Venus by Odilon Redon.

This is a photograph by Kahn and Selsesnick, a surrealist duo of photographers, I suppose. I just found out about them today and I am not entirely sure who they are, other than geniuses that create mind-bogglingly real surrealism in photographs. 
Take a look here: 

This photo above really reminds me of Ralph Eugene Meatyard. 
Meatyard explored masks and other surreal concepts
There are connections everywhere.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Things that make you feel okay again

Devendra Banhart
The Vaccines
Sacred Chants of Shiva
Max Fischer
 Men with beards...

Well...those are several things make me happy, at least.  (◡‿◡)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Feelings from the evening sun

Today has been a bit of a stressful day...
 One good thing, though, has been a silly tattoo I drew on myself. It was inspired through Devendra Banhart's tattoos, which are amazing. I think I actually wouldn't mind getting a real tattoo like this. (As long as the lines were done straight) (๏∀๏ ) 
When the sun shines in my room it's pinkish evening color, everything seems to just look nicer. When my hair is in the sun I like it more, so here is a picture! 

I got a polka dot skirt today that I am enjoying :3

Also, I have a whole new pad of canvas-paper, yet to be used...

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Do you ever see a face that you can not stop remembering and going over the details in your head, maybe knowing nothing about them, but feeling curious? From person to person, I suppose, different types of faces catch their attention but all have the same effect. I think that even if attraction is not the premier part of it, there is something about a person's expression or look that can still be intriguing. At any rate, I have made myself save certain pictures I've come across that strike me when I don't know exactly why.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Just barely (literally two minutes ago) found this photographer named Julia Trotti. I read that she is 19 and from Sydney, Australia. I think her work is kind of intriguing and I really like these photos:

This next photo is one I've had saved for a long time and I don't know what to do but keep looking at it and wondering about it. I do not know who the photographer is, and I wish I did.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Wes Anderson A-Z

My alphabetical list of some wonderful people, places, quotes and things in the films of Wes Anderson.

Astronomy Society
Blue Star Cadets
Camp Ivanhoe
Esteban du Plantier
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Interns on the Belafonte
Jaguar Shark
Khaki Scouts
Let me tell you about my boat.
Margot Tenenbaum
Ned "Kingsley" Plimpton
O.R. Scrubs (O R they?)
Pepper Spray
Quit - Anthony, keep the gun on the table.
Rushmore Beekeepers
Stop-motion perfection (+ Bill Murray!)
Tiger (man-eating)
Uzi and Ari Tenenbaum (and father Chas)
Vikram Ray
Whatever happens in the end, I don't want to lose you as a friend.
X-husband (Margot's)
Yankee Racers, founded by Max Fischer
Zissou Society